Our Values and Objectives


Our values include the following-each person receiving our service has the right to expect:-

Autonomy promotion of individual autonomy, self-determination, choice, and control over decision-making
Achievement regulation of individual ability and potential for personal development, and of the social and environmental barriers to achieving potential
Citizenship maintenance of entitlements associated with citizenship under UK law and the Human Rights Act 1998, including protection from discrimination, harassment, exploitation or abuse, neglect, degrading or inhuman treatment
Individuality respect for individuality, privacy and dignity, and maintenance of self-esteem in all situations
Diversity respect for age, ethnic and cultural diversity and promotion of equal opportunity
Well-Being promotion of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being
Inclusion promotion of social and economic inclusion and participate in community life



Banya Shared Lives Scheme operates a non-discriminatory policy and will provide services to any service user irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, age, cultural background, disability or religion.  Each service user has the right to:

Dignity and personal respect, including being valued as an individual
Individuality within the scope of the service provided, including preferences for timing, food, etc
Involvement in the planning of their own daily activities and lives in general
Have all their needs, physical and emotional, accepted and respected
Privacy for their own affairs